How to Maximize Maternity Leave

Studies have found that an adequate amount of time for maternity leave can both reduce the odds of delivering by C-section and establishing solid breastfeeding practices. For some mothers, the amount of maternity leave may be monetarily based but there are a few things you can do optimize the time you do get. Here are 10 ways to maximize your maternity leave:

  1. Save vacations: As soon as you discover you are pregnant, start saving your vacation, sick, and personal days. These can be a life saver if you will not be paid for all of your leave.
  2. Leave your notice: If you are planning not to return to work after having a baby, wait until the last 2 weeks of your leave to give the final 2 weeks notice to your employer. Although it may seem to not be best practice, any earlier could mean less money and more stress for you in the end.
  3. Set boundaries: When you are home and the office continues to call and email you; it is imperative that boundaries are set. Simply let the office know your family is your first priority and you will be available to handle emergency situations only or appoint a point person to handle any those situations for your while you are on leave.
  4. Lean on friends and family: The people in your life that you are close to are probably pretty excited about your new baby so when they offer to help – say yes!
  5. Get appointments in: Make sure to schedule well baby visits, checkups, and immunization appointments for you and your baby before returning to work.
  6. Be open: Honesty is the best policy and it is best to be upfront with your boss or employer from the time you announce your pregnancy to how to handle returning to work. Discuss how your duties will be divided amongst coworkers while you’re gone, discuss maternity leave policies, and find out how best to handle time off for sick kids.
  7. Use your resources: Talk to other working moms you know, search the web, or visit blogs to get ideas and tips from mothers who already know what you’re going through.
  8. Start in the middle: Try making your first day back in the middle of the week like a Wednesday or Thursday. This will help make it easier to adjust for both you and your baby.
  9. Do a trial run: After you have found daycare you approve of, attempt a trial run at dropping the baby off for a few hours to see how you both do. This way if it doesn’t work out, you still have time while being home from work to find other options.
  10. Enjoy it: Although that may seem obvious, having a new baby is also stressful especially if you are concerned about your job at the same time.  Be sure to enjoy your maternity leave and savor that precious time you have with your baby because it certainly goes by fast.

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